Junior Entrepreneur 6th Class 2021/22

6th Class 2021/22 took part in the Junior Entrepreneur Project. Through the JEP curriculum, games and learning aids, pupils get a clear picture of what creating a business is all about. Every step mirrors strands in the primary school curriculum. This means that pupils are not wasting their time or being distracted from important learning. Instead, they’re learning new life skills as well as their core subjects. Children use their creativity to come up with individual business ideas. We came up with 4 ideas. We researched, designed, marketed and created the 4 different products. 

Jolly Jam-Homemade strawberry jam

Furshion-Recycled bandanas for pets

Seaside rainbow candles

Boher Brownies 

We held a judging day in the school where the 4 groups presented their projects in front of our 4 judges. Judges included Mrs. Kiely(our wonderful, now retired teacher), Matthew Collins (The Sibly Food Company) and Eileen Linehan (IRD Duhallow). Thank you to our 3 judges who were superb! The winners for 2021-22 were Jolly Jam. We held a very successful selling day in the school where all 4 groups got to sell their products.  Thanks to all members of the community who supported our young entrepreneurs. Well done to all in 6th class!

Our JEP winners 2021/22

Junior Entrepreneur 6th Class 2020/21

6th Class 2020/21 took part in the Junior Entrepreneur Project. Through the JEP curriculum, games and learning aids, pupils get a clear picture of what creating a business is all about. Every step mirrors strands in the primary school curriculum. This means that pupils are not wasting their time or being distracted from important learning. Instead, they’re learning new life skills as well as their core subjects. Children use their creativity to come up with individual business ideas. We came up with 4 ideas. We researched, designed, marketed and created 4 different products. 

Hurley grips

Dog treats

Candle jars

Scented candles

We held a judging day with 3 entrepreneurs judging each product. We sold our products to the public over 2 days. Each child made 80euro! At the end of their project, the 6th class pupils decided to donate 10euro each to a local fundraiser for cancer. A wonderful gesture by all.